science, the endless frontier citation

"By proceeding from point to point and taking stock on the way, by giving further opportunity to those who show themselves worthy of further opportunity, by giving the most opportunity to those who show themselves continually developing -- this is the way we propose. International Exchange of Scientific Information. Princeton Asia (Beijing) Consulting Co., Ltd. Methods should therefore be found which will permit the agency to make commitments of funds from current appropriations for programs of five years duration or longer. Universities may forgo the focus on quantity, and more strongly reward research quality 56 , and perhaps more fully subsidize year-long sabbaticals. February 9-17-24, 2021 L . We have been directing the energies of our scientists to the development of weapons and materials and methods, on a large number of relatively narrow projects initiated and controlled by the Office of Scientific Research and Development and other Government agencies. About this article. It is recommended, therefore, that specific action with regard to the patent laws be withheld pending the submission of the report devoted exclusively to that subject. The division Members should be appointed for such terms as the Members of the Foundation may determine, and may be reappointed at the discretion of the Members. It should, moreover, have sufficient recognition to secure prompt and practical decisions. CHAPTER 2. FLASH SALE -Enjoy 70% off this weeks featured collection. For the general good of the country too many such men have gone into uniform, and their talents have not always been fully utilized. We believe that our proposals will minimize that effect, but we do not think that it can be completely avoided. BOOK. The National Academy of Sciences hosted a symposium on February 26, 2020, that gathered top business, academic, and government leaders to explore whether the modern research architecture that fuels U.S. innovation needs to be reconfigured to meet the challenges of our time. Science, the Endless Frontier is recognized as the landmark argument for the essential role of science in society and government's responsibility to support scientific endeavors. Simply select your manager software from the list below and click on download. Science made that possible, too. This proposal is certainly worthy of further study. Many had begun their studies before they went to war. Among the young men and women qualified to take up scientific work, since 1940 there have been few students over 18, except some in medicine and engineering in Army and Navy programs and a few 4-F's, who have followed an integrated scientific course of studies. But to achieve these objectives -- to secure a high level of employment, to maintain a position of world leadership -- the flow of new scientific knowledge must be both continuous and substantial. Rush Holt offers incisive reflections on Bushs blind spots and bold plan, making this the definitive edition for our era.Angela N. H. Creager, Princeton University, "Vannevar Bushs Science, the Endless Frontier had an immense influence on the development of US science and technology as forces for public good. of disruptive papers and patents suggests that science and technology do not appear to have reached the end of the 'endless frontier; During the past 25 years there has been a great increase in industrial research involving the application of scientific knowledge to a multitude of practical purposes - thus providing new products, new industries, new investment opportunities, and millions of jobs. To permit the release of information by one agency and to continue to restrict it elsewhere would be unfair in its effect and would tend to impair the morale and efficiency of scientists who have submerged individual interests in the controls and restrictions of war. It is in keeping with the American tradition -- one which has made the United States great -- that new frontiers shall be made accessible for development by all American citizens. In the future we must pay increased attention to discovering this knowledge for ourselves particularly since the scientific applications of the future will be more than ever dependent upon such basic knowledge. Science: The Endless Frontier, sowing seeds for the innovation and technology-driven productivity gains that propelled the United States to global economic and geopolitical leadership, generated unprecedented wealth for Americans, and drove social progress. Progress in combating disease depends upon an expanding body of new scientific knowledge. Has PDF. Science, by itself, provides no panacea for individual, social, and economic ills. The responsibility for the creation of new scientific knowledge rests on that small body of men and women who understand the fundamental laws of nature and are skilled in the techniques of scientific research. We will not get ahead in international trade unless we offer new and more attractive and cheaper products. There should be an administrative office responsible to the director to handle in one place the fiscal, legal, personnel, and other similar administrative functions necessary to the accomplishment of the purposes of the Foundation. Nature - "Science, the Endless Frontier" . Research within the Government represents an important part of our total research activity and needs to be strengthened and expanded after the war. Learn more about ebooks and audio from Princeton University Press. Author (s) Praise 18. The details should be worked out with reference to the interests of the several States and of the universities and colleges; and care should be taken not to impair the freedom of the institutions and individuals concerned. Today, amid a changing funding landscape and challenges to science's very credibility, Science, the Endless Frontier resonates as a powerful reminder that scientific progress and public well-being alike depend on the successful symbiosis between science and government.This timely new edition presents this iconic text alongside a new companion essay from scientist and former congressman Rush Holt, who offers a brief introduction and consideration of what society needs most from science now. Our ability to overcome possible future enemies depends upon scientific advances which will proceed more rapidly with diffusion of knowledge than under a policy of continued restriction of knowledge now in our possession. organize and share citations. Science, the Endless Frontier, which asserted a dichotomy between basic and applied science. The study of the momentous questions presented in President Roosevelt's letter has been made by able committees working diligently. They have led to extravagantly critical attacks which tend to discredit a basically sound system. Organization. March 30, 2021. When you select "Accept all cookies," you're agreeing to let your browser store that data on your device so that we can provide you with a better, more relevant experience. Without scientific progress the national health would deteriorate; without scientific progress we could not hope for improvement in our standard of living or for an increased number of jobs for our citizens; and without scientific progress we could not have maintained our liberties against tyranny. As a temporary measure the National Academy of Sciences has established the Research Board for National Security at the request of the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy. Moreover, they should see that those who study overseas have the benefit of the latest scientific developments. Discovery of new therapeutic agents and methods usually results from basic studies in medicine and the underlying sciences. Even if it be shown subsequently that he has not what it takes to go to the top, he will go further than he would otherwise go if there had been a ceiling beyond which he always knew he could not aspire. Directions, 99 Banbury Road The Armed Services cannot be expected to be experts in all of the complicated fields which make it possible for a great nation to fight successfully in total war. The following very rough estimates are given for the first year of operation after the Foundation is organized and operating, and for the fifth year of operation when it is expected that the operations would have reached a fairly stable level: The National Research Foundation herein proposed meets the urgent need of the days ahead. The Members should elect their own chairman annually. off. Science, the Endless Frontier 1945 Washington, D. C. Government Printing Office 184 A Report to the President. Division of Medical Research. Improvement in the teaching of science is imperative; for students of latent scientific ability are particularly vulnerable to high school teaching which fails to awaken interest or to provide adequate instruction. Relation to National Security. New Responsibilities for Government. It is the special province of the medical schools and universities to foster medical research in this way -- a duty which cannot be shifted to government agencies, industrial organizations, or to any other institutions. A permanent Science Advisory Board should be created to consult with these scientific bureaus and to advise the executive and legislative branches of Government as to the policies and budgets of Government agencies engaged in scientific research. Basically there is no reason to believe that scientists of other countries will not in time rediscover everything we now know which is held in secrecy. First, the sound democratic principle that there should be no favored classes or special privilege in a time of peril, that all should be ready to sacrifice equally; second, the tenet that every man should serve in the capacity in which his talents and experience can best be applied for the prosecution of the war effort. During the nineteenth century the Coast and Geodetic Survey, the Naval Observatory, the Department of Agriculture, and the Geological Survey were established. However, two decades into the 21. st century, the global environment for leveraging . It can be effective in the national welfare only as a member of a team, whether the conditions be peace or war. To initiate and finance in appropriate agencies, institutions, or organizations, research on problems related to the national defense. The Routledge Handbook of Literature and Space maps the key areas of spatiality within literary studies, offering a comprehensive overview but also pointing towards new and exciting directions of study. Although there are some notable exceptions, most research conducted within governmental laboratories is of an applied nature. * * * Science cannot live by and unto itself alone. Overview []. With mounting demands for scientists both for teaching and for research, we will enter the post-war period with a serious deficit in our trained scientific personnel. Putting together Science, the Endless Frontier 75 years ago, Vannevar Bush drew on his experience during World War II, but proposed something entirely novela federal agency with a unique structure that would fund university research to meet broad national needs. research is the exploration of the unknown and is necessarily speculative. Each year 125,000 new mental cases are hospitalized. Research Impact Series:Understanding Research Metrics. Since research does not fall within the category of normal commercial or procurement operations which are easily covered by the usual contractual relations, it is essential that certain statutory and regulatory fiscal requirements be waived in the case of research contractors. . In addition a flow of scientific information constitutes one facet of general international accord which should be cultivated. Membership of the Division of National Defense should include, in addition to, say, five civilian members, one representative designated by the Secretary of War, and one representative of the Secretary of the Navy, who should serve without additional compensation for this duty. Today, amid a changing funding landscape and challenges to sciences very credibility, Science, the Endless Frontier resonates as a powerful reminder that scientific progress and public well-being alike depend on the successful symbiosis between science and government.This timely new edition presents this iconic text alongside a new companion essay from scientist and former congressman Rush Holt, who offers a brief introduction and consideration of what society needs most from science now. Working against time, the Office of Scientific Research and Development has been obliged to enforce this practice during the war, although it was realized by all concerned that it was an emergency measure which prevented the continuous cross-fertilization so essential to fruitful scientific effort. "Alondra Nelson, president of the Social Science Research Council, "Rush Holts essay on Science, the Endless Frontier celebrates science discovery and the democratization of science. Great advances in agriculture are also based upon scientific research. In the last 40 years life expectancy in the United States has increased from 49 to 65 years largely as a consequence of the reduction in the death rates of infants and children; in the last 20 years the death rate from the diseases of childhood has been reduced 87 percent. Other examples can be cited in which medical progress has been similarly advanced. It cannot be satisfactorily conducted in an atmosphere where it is gauged and tested by operating or production standards. Science, the endless frontier First published in 1960 Subjects Science and state , Influence , World War, 1939-1945 , Research Places United States Edit Science, the endless frontier This edition was published in New York. Two great principles have guided us in this country as we have turned our full efforts to war. The extent of this contribution in turn depends on the creative spirit and talent which can be brought to bear within a research laboratory. Now, lets get on with the work of getting science to do its part in our society. Industry is only to a limited extent a source of funds for basic medical research. Since 1900 a large number of scientific agencies have been established within the Federal Government, until in 1939 they numbered more than 40. This is, largely, the product of three factors -- the free play of initiative of a vigorous people under democracy, the heritage of great national wealth, and the advance of science and its application. We must remove the rigid controls which we have had to impose, and recover freedom of inquiry and that healthy competitive scientific spirit so necessary for expansion of the frontiers of scientific knowledge. In this war it has become clear beyond all doubt that scientific research is absolutely essential to national security. Close Dialog Download book. CHAPTER 5. with a new quantitative metric the CD index12 that characterizes how papers and patents change networks of citations in science and technology. Science, the Endless Frontier is recognized as the landmark argument for the essential role of science in society and governments responsibility to support scientific endeavors. Science, the endless frontier; a report to the President on a program for postwar scientific research. Subject to the direction and supervision of the Foundation Members (acting as a board), the director should discharge all the fiscal, legal, and administrative functions of the Foundation. Callon, M. 1986. Whereas in 1930 they were six times as large as the research expenditures of the colleges, universities, and research institutes, by 1940 they were nearly ten times as large. But in the seventy-five years that have passed since Bush served as president of the Carnegie Institution for Science and published this transformational proposal, too many of our leaders have failed to grasp the central role that science plays in assuring our national strength and well-being. This is of the utmost importance. (3) The agency should promote research through contracts or grants to organizations outside the Federal Government. Further progress requires that the entire front of medicine and the underlying sciences of chemistry, physics, anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, bacteriology, pathology, parasitology, etc., be broadly developed. By. Vannevar Bushs Science, the Endless Frontier remains the touchstone for understanding how Americans regard basic research, why they pay for it, and what benefits they expect. His document serves as a prescient reminder as the United States faces the challenges of a new century. Where clinical investigations of the human body are required, the medical schools are in a unique position, because of their close relationship to teaching hospitals, to integrate such investigations with the work of the departments of preclinical science, and to impart new knowledge to physicians in training. United States The Internal Revenue Code should be amended to remove present uncertainties in regard to the deductibility of research and development expenditures as current charges against net income. The commercial incentive can be relied upon for that. Industry learned many years ago that basic research cannot often be fruitfully conducted as an adjunct to or a subdivision of an operating agency or department. I believe that, as a permanent measure, it would be appropriate to add to the agency needed to perform the other functions recommended in this report the responsibilities for civilian-initiated and civilian-controlled military research. The committee advising me on scientific personnel has stated the following principle which should guide our planning: "If we were all-knowing and all-wise we might, but we think probably not, write you a plan whereby there might be selected for training, which they otherwise would not get, those who, 20 years hence, would be scientific leaders, and we might not bother about any lesser manifestations of scientific ability. Maintaining liaison with other scientific research agencies, both governmental and private, concerned with the work of the Division. "Kei Koizumi, American Association for the Advancement of Science, "With Science, the Endless Frontier, Vannevar Bush envisioned the cloistered infrastructure for US science research that has prevailed for nearly eighty years. There should certainly not be any absolute requirement that all rights in such discoveries be assigned to the Government, but it should be left to the discretion of the director and the interested Division whether in special cases the public interest requires such an assignment. Basic research is a long-term process -- it ceases to be basic if immediate results are expected on short-term support. . These areas -- such as research on military problems, agriculture, housing, public health, certain medical research, and research involving expensive capital facilities beyond the capacity of private institutions -- should be advanced by active Government support. CHAPTER 4. Science--the endless frontier : a report to the President on a program for postwar scientific research, by Vannevar Bush ; introd. Science Is a Proper Concern of Government. "David Kaiser, author of Quantum Legacies: Dispatches from an Uncertain World, "Rush Holt introduces Science, the Endless Frontier to a whole new audience, and shows us why we all should be reading Vannevar Bushs landmark report. The bitter and dangerous battle against the U-boat was a battle of scientific techniques -- and our margin of success was dangerously small. Use code FLASH at checkout. The symposium marked the 75th anniversary of the landmark report Science, the Endless Frontier, which was released in the final weeks of another global crisisWorld War II. It should be competent to advise the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy. The Congress is now considering legislation to provide funds for this Board by direct appropriation. The National Research Foundation must, therefore, be free to place its research contracts or grants not only with those institutions which have a demonstrated research capacity but also with other institutions whose latent talent or creative atmosphere affords promise of research success. Each year under this program 6,000 undergraduate scholarships would be made available to high school graduates, and 300 graduate fellowships would be offered to college graduates. A nuestro juicio, dicho documento aporta una primera teorizacin de la tecnociencia, entendida sta como . But basic research is essentially noncommercial in nature. He layers historical context with a deeper examination of publicly funded science, and he challenges the scientific community to be more inclusive. These principles are as follows: (1) Whatever the extent of support may be, there must be stability of funds over a period of years so that long-range programs may be undertaken. 2021. Surely we will not get there by standing still, merely by making the same things we made before and selling them at the same or higher prices. Such impetus can come promptly only from the Government. At their best they provide the scientific worker with a strong sense of solidarity and security, as well as a substantial degree of personal intellectual freedom. We will update our FAQ page when it becomes available. But we must proceed with caution in carrying over the methods which work in wartime to the very different conditions of peace. (2) The agency to administer such funds should be composed of citizens selected only on the basis of their interest in and capacity to promote the work of the agency. We have been living on our fat. Consider, for example, water. Committed suicide at war's end. The most immediate prospect of making up some of the deficit in scientific personnel is by salvaging scientific talent from the generation in uniform. They should receive their expenses and compensation for their services at a per diem rate of, say, $50 while engaged on business of the Foundation, but no division member should receive more than, say, $10,000 compensation per year. In normal times, in view of the restrictive statutory prohibitions against dual interests on the part of Government officials, it would be virtually impossible to persuade persons having private employment of any kind to serve the Government in an official capacity. The time has come when such support should be extended to other fields. New products and new processes do not appear full-grown. Download PDF. The terms of the Members should be, say, 4 years, and no Member should be eligible for immediate reappointment provided he has served a full 4-year term. Without the broad authority along these lines which was contained in the First War Powers Act and its implementing Executive Orders, together with the special relaxation of vouchering requirements granted by the General Accounting Office, the Office of Scientific Research and Development would have been gravely handicapped in carrying on research on military matters during this war. The development moved from the early laboratory stage to large scale production and use in a fraction of the time it would have taken without such leadership. Therefore a professional partnership between the officers in the Services and civilian scientists is needed. It should be brought to the center of the stage -- for in it lies much of our hope for the future. Together, Bush and Holt give us a roadmap for US science today. Added to these are many maladies (for example, the common cold, arthritis, asthma and hay fever, peptic ulcer) which, through infrequently fatal, cause incalculable disability. IV. E-Book Overview. There are talented individuals in every segment of the population, but with few exceptions those without the means of buying higher education go without it. Citation []. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. As President Roosevelt observed, the annual deaths from one or two diseases are far in excess of the total number of American lives lost in battle during this war. First issued when Vannevar Bush was the director of the US Office of Scientific Research and Development during the Second World War, this classic remains vital in making the case that scientific progress is necessary to a nation's health, security, and prosperity. It will not receive the attention it requires if left to industry. Division of Publications and Scientific Collaboration. Like him, we need to be informed by history, not hamstrung by it. A report to the President by United States. . One of our hopes is that after the war there will be full employment, and that the production of goods and services will serve to raise our standard of living. Close Dialog Download citation. If those who have the means coincided entirely with those persons who have the talent we should not be squandering a part of our higher education on those undeserving of it, nor neglecting great talent among those who fail to attend college for economic reasons. The act is aimed at competing with China. Hoorah for Holt, for having the courage to take on this important, timely issue. Office of scientific rese. The deficit of those holding advanced degrees -- that is, young scholars trained to the point where they are capable of carrying on original work -- has been estimated as amounting to about 17,000 by 1955 in chemistry, engineering, geology, mathematics, physics, psychology, and the biological sciences. During the same period research within Government -- again largely applied research -- has also been greatly expanded. Each Division of the Foundation should be made up of at least five members, appointed by the Members of the Foundation. We submit, however, that the nation's need for more and better scientific research is such that the risk must be accepted. July 1945 Science, the endless frontier : A report to the President, by Vannevar Bush, director . First issued when Vannevar Bush was the director of the US Office of Scientific Research and Development during the Second World War, this classic remains vital in . Division of Scientific Personnel and Education. The Endless Frontier Act was initially presented Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Todd Young (R-IN) by Under . For every 1,000 students in the fifth grade, 600 are lost to education before the end of high school, and all but 72 have ceased formal education before completion of college. We all know how much the new drug, penicillin, has meant to our grievously wounded men on the grim battlefronts of this war -- the countless lives it has saved -- the incalculable suffering which its use has prevented. Industry will fully rise to the challenge of applying new knowledge to new products. 2. COUPON: RENT Science, the Endless Frontier 1st edition by Bush eBook (9780691201658) and save up to 80% on online textbooks at now! The agency responsible for recommending the release of information from military classification should be an Army, Navy, civilian body, well grounded in science and technology. Vannevar Bush distills in graceful prose his deep experience of directing research during World War II and Rush Holts new introduction points to how science is essential for all citizens and a vibrant democracy. And audio from Princeton University Press made by able committees working diligently established within the Government of! 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science, the endless frontier citation